How to Calculate GPA Using Different Methods


Grade point average (GPA) is a score average calculated on the letter grades you make each semester. Each letter grade is given a numerical value from 0-4 or 5 points; it varies subject to your institution’s scale. Schools also look at cumulative GPAs, which indicate your average GPA over past few years of schooling, when you graduate or apply to an institute of higher studies.
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Relationship of Suicidal Ideation with Personality Type?

Suicidal Ideation with Personality Type

In the strictest sense of the term, suicidal ideation can be defined as the desire of an individual to take his or her own life or to think about suicide. According to various psychologists, there are two types of suicidal ideation. And those two types of suicidal ideation are active suicidal ideation and passive suicidal ideation.
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Improving Employee satisfaction and organizational performance in Dubai banks

Dubai Banks


Owing to the challenges faced by the banking industry in Dubai, it has become extremely important for the proper implementation of human resource management practices in order to survive (Youssef, Haak-Saheem and Youssef 2017).

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