How can Autism Affect Modern Society?


Autism is also often regarded as the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This term of ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’ is commonly used to refer to a group of different neurodevelopmental disorders.
There are a number of symptoms which are associated with this disorder and some of the most common symptoms include issues with social interactions and communication. Autistic kids also demonstrate repetitive, restricted, and other stereotypes patterns of behavior or interests. There are a large number of individuals who suffer from autism spectrum disorder regardless of their age, culture, race, or economic background. This is one of the major reasons behind why so many organization and groups are set all across the globe to help individuals who are suffering from autism spectrum disorder. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 1 in 59 children suffer from autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, it can be easily said that autistic individuals are a vital part of our society. Hence, there are a number of ways in which autism has affected modern society. In this academic writing piece, readers will be able to learn about those different ways in which autism has affected society. But before that, readers will be able to learn about the autism spectrum disorder, autism definition, effects of autism, symptoms in children, and other different topics related to this disorder.

Autism Definition and Types
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is often regarded as the bible for the psychologists. This manual is also used to diagnose a number of psychological disorders. And according to this manual, the autism definition is that this is a neurodevelopmental disorder. There are also a number of different types of this neurodevelopmental disorder which are mentioned in the DSM-5. And those different types of disorders are mentioned below.

  • With catatonia
  • With or without intellectual impairment
  • With or without language impairment
  • This type of autism is associated with environmental factors, a genetic condition, or medical condition
  • The type which is associated with some other type of mental, neurodevelopmental, or behavioral disorder

These are all the different types of autism that any autistic individual or autistic kids can be diagnosed with. Prior to DSM-5 autism children or autistic individuals could be diagnosed with many other different psychological disorders. And some of those different disorders are mentioned below.

  • Asperger’s syndrome
  • Autistic Disorder
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder
  • Pervasive development disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)

These are all the different kinds of disorders which autism children or autistic kids might be diagnosed with before DSM-5 was published with the autism definition.

Symptoms of Autism
In this section, readers can find information about the different autism symptoms in children. There are a number of symptoms which can be detected in autism children or individuals who might be autistic. These can also be regarded as the effects of autism on autistic kids. And some of those different symptoms are mentioned below.

  • Difficulty in sharing any kind of emotions or interests
  • Issues with communication
  • Problem with maintaining eye contact
  • Issues in most kinds of nonverbal cues or nonverbal communication
  • Issues in reading body language
  • Problems in maintaining relationships or forming new relationships
  • Frequently displaying repetitive or restricted activities or patterns
  • Repetitive motions, movement, or speech patterns
  • They continuously adhere to rigid or specific routines of behavior
  • Often experience a sense of increase or decrease in sensitivity to various surroundings, negative reactions, or sensory information
  • Have fixated preoccupations and interests

These are some of the most common autism symptoms in children. These can also be regarded as the effects of autism in autism children. Some of these symptoms are also included in the autism definition which was mentioned earlier.

Causes of Autism
Apart from the autism definition, there will also be a discussion on the various causes of autism. And some of the causes of autism or why autism children suffer from autism are mentioned below.

  • Genetic mutation
  • Heredity cause or if an immediate family member suffers from autism
  • Some genetic disorder
  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Having older parents
  • A low birth weight
  • Suffers from a history of viral infections
  • Metabolic imbalance
  • Being exposed to environmental toxins or heavy metals
  • Exposure to thalidomide or the medications valproic acid during the fetal stage

These are some of the common reasons why autistic individuals or autistic kids might suffer from autism.

Effects of Autism on the Modern Society
As it was mentioned above that, there are a number of autism children all across the globe. This is why the psychological disorder of autism has had a strong effect on modern society. And some of the different ways in which autistic individuals or autistic kids have changed modern society are mentioned below.

A Step towards Openness
There are a number of autistic kids all across the globe. Hence, that has allowed a large number of individuals to see the different struggles that individuals with autism have to go through. This has allowed the other public to take up a more positive attitude towards the individuals who might be suffering not just from this psychological disorder but from also much other psychological disorder.

The Aesthetics
There are many signs of autism that can be seen all across the globe. Those signs are created by individuals who suffer from autism and are finding new ways to express themselves. Because of that, there are a number of businesses, companies, and institutions who are providing those individuals who are suffering from autism with a chance to profit from their artistic nature and let their art reach to people from all across the globe.

Changes in Cultures
When individuals who are suffering from autism have an impact on art then it is only natural that they will also have an effect on the culture. There are also small cultures forming all across the globe which are specially made to empower and support individuals who are suffering from autism or autism children.

Better Diversity
Because of the openness and acceptance that this psychological disorder has created amongst the society, there is also now a better acceptance of diversity. This has further resulted in an environment that allows individuals to be who they truly are without having to pretend anything. This has also made the entire society more accepting in general of the differences which exist between all individuals from all across the globe. This has also been one of the most important and positive effects that the psychological disorder of autism has had on the entire society.

The Conclusion
Autism is a psychological disorder which is also known as an autism spectrum disorder. This is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder. And according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are also a number of different types of the autistic spectrum disorder. Apart from the information about the autism definition, readers can also find information about the different effects of autism in this academic writing piece. There are also a number of different symptoms of autism and some of those symptoms include issues in communication, constant problems with nonverbal communication, having a fixation of preoccupations or interests, problems in maintaining eye contact, issues in reading body language, and many other symptoms. There are also a number of causes of autism. And some of those causes include genetic mutation, heredity issues, fragile X syndrome, and many other causes. There are also a number of different ways in which autism and individuals who suffer from autism have had a strong impact on society. And out of all those effects, the most important one if the fact that it has made the entire society more accepting of diversity.

The References


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