Endocrine System- Roles and Functions

Endocrine System

In the human body, a plethora of hormones regulated including growth hormones, electrolyte balance, metabolism or reproduction. There is numerous gland located throughout the body that produces hormones. This started with the secretion of releasing or inhibiting hormones from the Hypothalamus that further act upon pituitary gland simulation pituitary to release hormones(Janz, 2000). 

For anybody to communicate or coordinate, the body needs to set up a constant internal environment i.e Homeostasis. That infers neither salt concentration( electrolytes) nor temperatures should not fluctuate in the blood. 

Conversely, hormonal communication based on the release and inhibition of hormone secretion will ensure rapid transmission even in a fraction of seconds. In this article, we are going to discuss the psychological aspects of hormones and what is its role

Hormone And Its Function

Endocrine glands including the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal, gonads, pancreas thyroid and parathyroid secrete responsible stimuli and then released them into the blood. Aftermath hormones carried out by the blood and work up the target cell.

The interaction between hormone and receptor triggers a cascade reaction. But a body has to maintain homeostasis in every condition, which means increased hormones could also be problematic.

The hypothalamus located in the brain regions controls all the body functions including eating and drinking, blood pressure, sexual behaviour etc. It plays a pivotal role in terms of regulating body functions(Hiller, 1998). 

In the body hypothalamus secreted hormones get released through the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system are common reasons behind releasing or inhibiting hormones. Dopamine a neurotransmitter affects the bone muscle cells and repressing lactation when a child born. 

Pituitary Gland And Its Major Functions

The pituitary gland is segregated into the anterior or posterior gland either simulate the target regions or directly affect the organs. It releases several distinct hormones such as prolactin, ); gonadotropins adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), also called thyrotropin; growth hormone (GH). Growth hormone is most abundant and plays a pivotal role in controlling body development and growth. GH levels were higher in the early days of childbirth. If you want to know more about growth hormones, get instant help from assignment help in Saham services derived by ArabEssay.

On the other hand, the posterior pituitary gland doesn’t produce its hormones instead known for storing vasopressin and oxytocin. Vasopressin plays a major role in controlling the water economy also reabsorb water during urine filtration

Adrenal Gland And Hormones

The two adrenal glands located above the kidney primarily producing corticosteroids. It helps and controls sugar, monitor lipid and protein metabolism. For instance, cortisol increases the glucose level in the blood thus in turn promotes the formation of glycogens. It protects the body from a deleterious effect. It is noticeable a high amount of corticosteroid provided to patients helps in reducing tissue inflammation (Greenstein et.al, 2000)


Ovaries and testes, these are two major reproductive gland producing germ cell for fertilization. It secretase’s steroid hormones are necessary for the development of the reproductive organ. 

The main role of estrogen is controlling the development of female genitalia which promoting growth of the breast, uterus vagina also controls secondary sexual characteristics(Campbell and Jialal 2019). 

However, the primary function is regulating mensuration and maintain female libido. If you want to know more about estrogen hormones and how does happen when estrogen level drop after menopause, you can also ask for quality assignment help in Adam services derived by ArabEssay.


During a certain phase of mensuration, the body produces progesterone, which leads to placenta formation during pregnancy. It causes changes inlining of the uterus also stimulates the development of the mammary gland.


The principle androgenic steroid is known as testosterone. Its main function is to control the development of male genital and has strong protein activities. Thus promoting increases mass accumulation around genital areas

Thyroid And Its Hormones

The thyroid located at the windpipe produces two distinct hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). It increases the metabolism of all the body tissues helps in generating the energy required for body functioning. It also maintains the calcium level in the body. 

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Parathyroid Gland And Its Hormones

It produces PTH increases the calcium level in the blood, thus maintain the bone quality and controls adequate calcium function inside the body. If the calcium level is suppressed, the lo level of PTH could be identified at that place

Pancreases And Their Hormones

Pancrease acts as exocrine gland produce digestive enzymes and then secrete two major hormone glucagon and insulin.

Insulin promotes glucose uptakes and increases fat synthesis inside the adipose tissues. On the other side, glucogen increases the sugar in the blood and increases the breakdown of glycogen level.


The endocrine system is highly complex and control by a network of hormones released by them. The level of hormones regulated in a straight forward manner by the end it is influenced by the internal and external environment. In this blog, we have discussed the endocrine system role and described produced hormone targeted cells. Some of the roles played by hormones like the primary function of ovaries is regulating mensuration and maintain female libido. Whereas Growth hormone is most abundant and plays a pivotal role in controlling body development and growth.

To know more about endocrine System,you may also seek assistance from ArabEssay  Essay writer in Saham experts today.


Campbell, M., &Jialal, I. (2019). Physiology, Endocrine Hormones. StatPearls [Internet].

Hiller-Sturmhöfel, S., &Bartke, A. (1998). The endocrine system: an overview. Alcohol health and research world, 22(3), 153.

Greenstein, B., Wood, D. F., & Al-Mamari, A. (2007). The Endocrine System at Glance. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 7(2), 169.

Janz, D. M. (2000). Endocrine system. In The laboratory fish (pp. 189-217). Academic Press.

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